My hybrid memoir Our Voices (2022) is a:
Red Ribbon Winner and highly recommended by the Wishing Shelf Book Awards (2023)
Readers' Favorite 5-Stars book (2022)
Book View Review Recommended book (2022)
Other selected awards and distinctions for poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid writing include:
Winner of the First Munich Story Jam with the Hybrid Essay Made with Time (2024)
Finalist in Midway Journal's "Action, Words" Poetry Contest (2024)
Finalist in the Goldline Press CNF Contest; Top 5 CNF Entries (2020)
Longlisted for LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction; Top 50 stories (2020)
Longlisted for the Disquiet International Prize (2016)
Finalist in Tupelo Quarterly's Prose Open Contest (2016)
Winner of Text + Bild's Contest, Topic: Borders / Grenzen (2016)
Nominated for Best of the Net (2016)
Second place in the Calgary Poetry Contest #1 for the poem if you want to know me
Winner of the AWCS Flash Fiction Ancestry Contest (2010)
Since 2004, my poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and hybrid work have been published internationally in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Romania in English, German, and Romanian.
Sound has been published in the Summer 2024 Issue of The Orchards Poetry Journal
Bear Wings is a finalist in Midway Journal's "Action, Words" Poetry Contest and available in Vol. 18, Issue 2, July 2024​
Cafeneaua Verde (German version) was published in the yearly Literaturkreis Stafette anthology
Winter in Litro Magazine
Beyond Comprehension in The Purposeful Mayo Journal
Growth in Festival for Poetry
Hibernare and Iarna in O mie de semne
My poetry chapbook Seasons of Change was commended
among 320 entries in the 2021 Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition ​
2 poems in Arc Journal – Autumn Edition 2021:
Dreams of Fog​
Maybe It Is Not Too Late
​​Arcana 2021
​2 poems (Wolf and I Live in Words) in Wild Roof Journal
The Earth Mother Manifesto - a Prose Poem in Arcana 2020
Disconnection in Feed
3 poems as regular contributor at Headline Poetry and Press:
My mother sells water from the fountain​
Speak for the Tree - Acacia
2018: Carving Hearts at From Whispers to Roars
2017: if you want to know me in Wax Poetry and Art
Willow (prose poem) at Dog-Ear
Silence(d) at Poetry Breakfast
2004: two poems in the anthology Evadarea din Sine
2024: Love Chair in 100 x 100 Volume 2
​Artistul at Matca Literară
The Swans at The Write Launch
Dincolo în literomania
3 stories in 100x100 Volume 1
2 stories on Liternet:
​Lebăda neagră
La microfon
Dreaming of Whales in Landing Zone Magazine
Justice in Arcana 2022
2019: 3 connected microfiction pieces at Arcana 2019
The Dream Maker in Friday Flash Fiction
Piazza Vecchia in Cease, Cows
The Human Body Farm in Hypnopomp Magazine
To the Other Side in Flash Fiction 3 and Flash Fiction Magazine
Wedding Picture in Flash Frontier
The Promises in Friday Flash Fiction
The Artist in Quail Bell Magazine
​8 short stories in Munich Stories 2016
On Death in Munich Artists
Multimedia installation at the Odeonsplatz Underground Station
in Munich by Emmy Ann Horstkamp, Will God Leave Me Alone?​
2010: The Way Home in Other Voices
2004: two flash prose pieces in Antologia Pavel Dan (contest mention)
Creative Nonfiction
Oh, My Friend, How Is Your Blue? in Humans Of The World
Made with Time in The Companion
Life writing at Liternet
Art chronicle Expoziție Ciprian Radovan la Muzeul Apei
Euro2024 Championship - German Cities Series​
2023: Travel and nature writing at Liternet:
Insulele Feroe - Solo travel și kanska - I
Insulele Feroe - Solo travel și kanska - II
Valencia, oraș al mării, arhitecturii, artei, științei și prieteniei regăsite
La Bremen, în căutarea libertății
Despre iarnă și renunțare
2022: Our Voices at Matador (hybrid kaleidoscopic memoir)
2020: The Power of Poetry in The Poetry Question
Streets of Love in The Ravens Perch
Body in 121 words
Unterwegs in Text+Bild
On the Way in Tupelo Quarterly (hybrid essay)
Maestrul în Ora-de-TimiÈ™
Dragă Prietene pe Liternet​
2024: 100x100 Volume 2
2023: 100x100 Volume 1
2019: World’s Best Poems Volume 1
2017: Flash Fiction Volume 3
2016: Munich Stories 2016
2004: Evadarea din sine
2004: Revista Cenaclului Pavel Dan
2024: Winner of the First Munich Story Jam with the Hybrid Essay Made with Time
2023: Red Ribbon Award Winner in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards Contest for Our Voices
2016: 1st place in the Text + Bild contest on the topic Borders for my essay Unterwegs
2016: 2nd place in the Calgary Poetry Contest #1 for the poem if you want to know me
2012: Fața Cărții award winner - poetry
2011: Fața Cărții award winner - fiction
2010: 1st place in AWCS flash fiction contest with the flash essay Le Maitre
2010: 1st place in the Other Voices March Monthlies competition with the story The Way Home
2005: Mention in the poetry section of the contest that led to the anthology Evadarea din Sine
2004: Mention in the prose section of Pavel Dan's Annual Contest
2017: Best of the Net Award for my hybrid essay On the Way
2004: National Poetry Award in the competition Avangarda XXII
2024: Midway Journal "Action, Words" Poetry Contest
2020: Gold Line Press Chapbook Contest in the Nonfiction section with The Body and the Voice
2016: Tupelo Quarterly‘s Prose Open Contest with my hybrid essay On the Way
Listowels Writers’ Week Original – Short Story Competition
In the 20. Münchner Kurzgeschichtenwettbewer for my essay Unterwegs
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction for my story Dreaming of Whales (top 50)
Disquiet International literary contest for my story The Artist
The Smoke Long Quarterly Kathy Fish Virtual Writer-In-Residence position
Public Readings
2024: Rosenheimer Buchmesse, April 13th and 14th, in Rosenheim, Germany
2023: Holiday Book Market at Lost Weekend in Munich, Germany
2022: Feierwerk Farbenladen in Munich, Germany
2022: Europa im Original in Munich, Germany
2016-2020: Monthly Open Reading events of The Munich Readery, Munich, Germany
2019: Orangerie Art Gallery in the English Garden, Munich, Germany
2019: Münchner Literaturbüro (MLB), Munich, Germany, 2019
2019: P. Bar as part of the Literarisches Sextett, Munich, Germany
2016: Frauenforum as part of Creative Writing in Munich‘s Christmas Open Reading
2016: The Munich Readery for the Munich Stories 2016 book launch
2011: The Owl’s Nest Bookstore, Calgary, AB, Canada